spokesmodel Maggie Williams wrote to Obama Nation's campaign manager David Plouffe
-rhymes with tough!- about the road to redemption.
Plouffe is a partner in longtime Windy City political consultant David Axelrod's firm, AKP&D Message and Media. http://www.akpmedia.com/
In a future post, I will share my very impassioned thoughts on Mr. Axelrod and his longtime pal, Rep. Rahm Emanuel, who as it happens, is a longtime South Beach Hoosier bête noire, or nemesis, for those of you qui ne parle Français.
Like George Stephanopolous, Plouffe also worked for Richard Gephardt,when he was House Majority Leader -just behind Speaker Tom Foley- after having successfully managed the senate campaign of ethically-challenged know-it-all New Jersey senator Bob Torricelli -The Torch.Now there was a guy who loved the sound of his own voice and consistently showed his true colors!
As most of you know, he was eventually forced to resign from the U.S. Senate for many reasons, not least of which was that Bill Clinton & Company put the squeeze on him to stop embarrassing himself and New Jersey Democrats with his pathetic and self-pitying excuses and preposterous alibis for all manner of things, including having expensive suits in his closet purchased by another man.
(I never met anyone in Washington who liked The Torch, even other Dems.)
Am I wrong in thinking that Plouffe looks an awful lot like the always busy and versatile not-to-mention talented actor/comedian Dave Foley? http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0004929/
Compare for yourself below and like Garbo, hear Plouffe speak.
To me, it's admirable that he managed to stay far below the radar TV-wise, especially compared to failed campaign managers like Donna Brazile -a DNC poobah Florida nay-sayer, on heavy rotation on This Week with George Stephanopolous.
Here, Plouffe gets interviewed by CNBC/NYT's always excellent reporter John Harwood
It runs about eight and a half minutes.
March 12, 2008
Dear David, re Florida
As the prospect of counting votes in Florida and Michigan clouds -- with the clock ticking -- Maggie Williams writes David Plouffe:
With the campaign now entering the final phase of the nominating contest, it is vital that both of our campaigns come together to ensure that the delegations from Florida and Michigan be seated to reflect the will of the voters.
In Florida and Michigan, nearly 2.5 million Americans made their voices heard and participated in primary elections. We think the results of those primaries were fair and should be honored.
Over the last few weeks, there has been much discussion about how to ensure that the Florida and Michigan delegations are seated. We think there are two options: Either honor the results or hold new primary elections.
To that end, we are in active consultation with all of our supporters in Florida, including Members of Congress.
In Michigan, we are in active consultation with the committee appointed by Governor Granholm.
To read the whole thing, along with very opinionated reader comments: